Weltfinale 2022
UMAG, CROATIA. Almost 150 players from 21 countries including Australia, Nigeria, Indonesia and
many European countries met from 4.-11.9.2022 at the Final Tournament at the Umag Tennis Academy
in Croatia.
competed in eight categories (U9 – U16), both boys and girls and in four
categories in doubles (U10, U12, U14, U16) as well. „Welcome
to the tournament, give your best and
see you at the end of the week with the smiles on your
faces,“ said organizers at
the opening ceremony. The quality of the participants
increased by the words of the organizers. „They must usually pass
the qualification rounds in their home organizing countries
and the finalists are invited to the
Finals where the new Champions are raised,“ say organizers.
Main attraction is
the Team Trophy, that goes to the best team with six best
single results in the tournament. Seventh
edition of Champions Bowl was mastered by the Spanish team.
Spain became the first country with three
Champions Bowl Team Trophy wins. Fair Play trophy was earned
by Spanish player Ginebra Dominguez. This
years special trophy goes to Dilhan Wasantha from UK, who
attended to all editions of Champions Bowl.
He started to play Champions Bowl with the age of 9 years.